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  • Writer's pictureGreenwood Nursery School

Nourishing Bites: Healthy Snack Ideas for Young Children

Creating a healthy and balanced snack routine for young children in early years settings is vital for their overall well-being and development. Snacks offer an excellent opportunity to supplement children's diets with essential nutrients, considering their high energy needs and smaller stomach capacities. Here's a comprehensive guide on planning and executing a healthy snack routine for young children:

Understanding the Importance of Snacks

  1. Nutritional Role: Snacks are crucial for young children to maintain energy levels and receive important nutrients for growth, development, and learning. They should be viewed as mini-meals, providing additional opportunities to incorporate a variety of nutrient-rich foods​​​​​​.

  2. Timing and Routine: Establishing a consistent meal and snack routine is important. Ideally, there should be a 2-3 hour gap between meals and snacks to manage children's appetite and prevent overeating. Meal times should last around 20-30 minutes to give children enough time to eat at their own pace​​.

Key Guidelines for Healthy Snacks

  1. Variety and Balance: Aim to include different food groups in snacks. The four main groups are starchy carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, proteins, and dairy or alternatives. For example, a snack could include breadsticks (carbohydrate), hummus dip (protein), and cucumber sticks (vegetables). This approach not only provides nutritional value but also keeps snacks interesting and appealing for children​​​​.

  2. Foods to Include and Avoid: Incorporate whole foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and dairy. Avoid processed foods, added sugars, and salty snacks, which offer little nutritional value and can negatively impact children's health, including their dental health​​​​.

  3. Calorie Counting: It's generally discouraged to focus on calorie counting for young children. Instead, offering a variety of healthy meals and snacks is more beneficial for meeting their energy and nutrient requirements​​.

Practical Snack Ideas and Tips

  1. Healthy Snack Options: Consider easy, kid-approved snacks that require minimal preparation. Examples include applesauce mini muffins, banana, blueberries, cheese sticks, whole grain crackers with cheese or hummus, and yogurt. These snacks can be mixed and matched for variety and balanced nutrition​​.

  2. Involvement and Independence: Encourage children to participate in snack preparation and self-service when appropriate, fostering independence and self-regulation in eating habits. However, avoid creating a grazing culture where snacks are available throughout the day, as this can reduce appetite for main meals​​​​.

  3. Food Safety and Supervision: Ensure that all food handlers in the setting are trained in food hygiene. Children should always be seated safely and supervised while eating, particularly to prevent choking hazards​​.

  4. Communication with Parents: Keep parents informed about the meal and snack routines. Consistency between the early years setting and home is crucial for establishing healthy eating habits​​.


Implementing a healthy snack routine in early years settings involves careful planning, variety, and consistency. By focusing on nutrient-rich foods, avoiding processed and sugary snacks, and involving children in the process, educators and parents can support children's dietary needs effectively. This approach not only aids in meeting their physical growth requirements but also instills healthy eating habits from an early age.

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